It is known that people are currently facing water shortages all over the world. Therefore, there are some techniques that are on hot demand such as desalination and water purification. But there's a thing: this process entails the use of electricity, in fact, a huge amount. And this source of energy comes from fossil fuels, so...of course people need clean water but the process of making it drinkable is quite complex, non-environmentally friendly.
Apparently, there's a solution that can tackle this problem, and it's simple and wonderful: the Sun and its incredibly powerful energy.
"The Israeli startup TSD (Tethys Solar Desalination) plans to revolutionize the process with a low-cost, off-grid, scalable and environmentally friendly module technology using only the power of the sun – no fossil fuels and no carbon dioxide emissions."
So, people can get clean water and the process would be sustainable.
💛 clean energies💛🌻